Last updated
April 26, 2010
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„Procedeu si dispozitive pentru amortizarea şocurilor realizate pe baza lui” ("Procedure and device for shock demping") registered at OSIM, no. AP/00548 din 15-07-2009 Titulari M.D: Pascovici, C.S. Popescu şi P. Andronache
C.S. Popescu, V. Marian, M.D. Pascovici, 2008, Experimental and theoretical analysis of the permeability for highly compressible porous layers BALKANTRIB’08 6th Int. Conf. on Tribology, 12-14 June 2008, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Paper BT-64 on CD (published in J. of Balkan Tribology)
M. D. Pascovici,T. Cicone, V. Marian, 2008,. Squeeze Process Under Impact, In Highly Compressible Porous Layers, Imbibed With Liquids NORDTRIB 2008 13th Symposium on Tribology, 10-13 June 2008, Tampere, Finlanda, Paper on CD (published in Tribology Int.)
M. D. Pascovici V. Marian, C.S. Popescu , 2008,. Impact of A Rigid Sphere on a Highly Compressible Porous Layer Imbibed With a Newtonian Liquid VAREHD ‘08 14th Int. Conf. on Tribology, 10-11 oct 2008, Suceava, Romania, Paper 08-11 on CD Proceedings.
invited lecturer M.D. Pascovici
M.D. Pascovici, C.S. Popescu, M.B. Ilie, Squeeze process in highly compressible porous layer imbibed with liquid, The 36th Leeds-Lyon Symposium, 1-3 sept. 2009 (invited lecturer M.D. Pascovici) (poposed for publication in Trans. IMechE – Part J. – Journal of Engineering Tribology.)
Pascovici, M.D., Popescu, C.S. and Marian, V.G., 2009, Impact of a rigid sphere on a highly compressible layer imbibed with a newtonian liquid, 4th World Tribology Congress, Kyoto -6-11 sept. Paper C1-133. (poposed for publication in Tribology Int.)